{Go confidently in the direction of your dreams }

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Vintage finds

I had fun at the last bank holiday car boot sales of the year. Lots of finds. Kevin had a meeting in Stroud today, so I was able to tag along and do some treasure hunting in the abundant charity and vintage shops. One was called cauliflower and calico. Brilliant name. These are some of the treasures that I found over the last few days. I have also painted a corner shelf unit. It was so bitty to do but I am pleased with the results. I now have a dedicated Facebook page (heart creations). Come and like the page to see what I'm up to!  

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Etsy shop

I would love you to pop over and have a look at my new Etsy shop, or come and 'like" my page, heart creations on Facebook. All welcome :-) My Etsy shop

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Getting organised...

It's all beginning to come together. I am creating almost every day and seem to have an unending stream of ideas. I hope it continues! The photo is of Becky (my daughter) and myself at my first craft fair yesterday. It was very enjoyable and educational. We met some lovely people and enjoyed seeing Gill and Marie-Noelle. I have some lovely, supportive friends. So, I am in the process now of opening a Folksy shop -heArt and an Etsy shop - donnadowdheArt . It's a steep learning curve, but I'm having fun !

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Birthday badge.

Here's my sweet granddaughter wearing the broach I made to go with her card. She is such a little star! Love her to bits.