It's good to reflect on what is most important. Becky and I went shopping to the Merry Hill Centre last night (locals call it the merry hell centre!). It was fun, but exhausting! Everyone was loaded up with things and looked harassed and stressed. There didn't seem to be much Christmas Spirit about! I am trying hard not to get 'wrapped up' (excuse the pun:) in the busyness of it all, but rather to enjoy family, faith and friends. After all, that is what Christmas is about isn't it? So here's what I'm planning for fun! I watched the TV chef Rachel Allen making a gingerbread house today, so that is something I must have a go at! I've been making a gift for a good friend. We have some church friends over tomorrow night and Thursday night to enjoy some carols by candlelight and some food. Kevin and I are planning a secret Santa service project (ssshhhh!) And, best of all, I get to see my lovely hubby much more over Christmas. He is a very busy but happy man, and we are so excited to just have time to relax together. I always read a Christmas book this time of year. This year its 'The Christmas Quilt'. Last year it was 'The Christmas Jars'. I can recommend both. Kevin and I read a short seasonal story together in bed every night. Are we sad? Is it a sign of old age (or worse, dementure?) To be honest, I don't care! These are the things that are making me truly happy- and that's really all that matters.
I hope you have a wonderful holiday! It sounds like you are well on your way. Speaking of Christmas Jars, I work with the author of that book and he is sponsoring a new contest. All you have to do to enter is send his family a Christmas Card. The prize is a free trip for 2 to the Shenandoah Valley of VA. Look here for the details: http://www.jasonfwright.com/triptosvalley.php
How lovely! Unfortunately I am in the UK. That makes things difficult! Thanks anyway, maybe others who follow my blog can have a go :)
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